<p>Despite being a relatively small state, South Carolina had a diverse range of Native tribes that called the land home. The original inhabitants of South Carolina included the Cherokee, Creek, Cusabo, Yuchi, Catawba, and Carolina Siouan tribes. Further, the Carolina Siouan, who shared territory with the Catawba peoples, incorporated several smaller tribes, including the Santee, PeeDee, Chicora, and Waccamaw. Traditionally, the Catawba community was sedentary and survived by hunting, fishing, and cultivating corn, beans, squash, and vegetables. Also, the women were well-known for their detailed pottery and quilts, which the Catawba used for trade. The Catawba and Carolina Siouan tribes formed an alliance to prevent the neighboring tribe, the Creek, from taking their land. To protect women and children from battles, Creek Natives separated towns into white (peace ceremonials) and red (war ceremonials). Today, South Carolina recognizes one tribe federally. </p>